
2015 - Several feeding/nutrition trials with Vannamei shrimp for different customers

2015 - Several feeding/nutrition trials with Vannamei shrimp for different customers

2015 - Site visit, site analyses and evaluation of existing shrimp farm Odisha India

2015 - Site visit, site analyses and evaluation of existing shrimp farm Odisha India

2015 - Detailed engineering for an closed indoor Vannamei shrimp farm 20 tons annual Kazachstan

2015 - Design and engineering of closed intensive greenhouse module based pond system for Vannamei shrimp in Odisha India

2015 - Design, engineering and supply of equipment for an pilot indoor RAS Vannamei shrimp farm Austria, Tirol

2015 - Site visit and site analyses for the set-up of an inland low saline groundwater Vannamei shrimp farm Jordan

2013 - Supply of water treatment RAS equipment indoor shrimp farm Boston, USA

2015 - Feasibility study for an closed indoor 22 tons annual Vannamei shrimp farm Bulgaria

2015 - Feasibility study for an closed indoor Vannamei shrimp farm Kazachstan

2014 - Technical and economic feasibility study for the setup of an P.monodon/P.indicus shrimp farm in Middle East.

2014 - Design and engineering for an greenhouse P. vannamei shrimp farm in the Middle East

2014 - Supply of equipment for a Pilot indoor farm shrimp Europe

2013 - Design and engineering Pilot indoor RAS shrimp farm Switzerland

2013 - Design and engineering Pilot indoor RAS shrimp farm Switzerland

2013 - Concept design and engineering of a full scale indoor Hybdrid (RAS) biofloc P. vannamei shrimp farm (Europe)

2012 - Contract for for full support of indoor shrimp farm Boston USA

End 2012 we signed a contract for the full support of an new indoor shrimp farm in the North part of the USA. AFT will perform a long term management support for this farm.
Production capacity of this farm is foreseen for around 30 ton of fresh white shrimp per year for the local market.

2011 - Design, supply equipment and supervison intensive shrimp farm China

End 2010 we designed an intensive shrimp farm in China for the Culture of L. Vannamei shrimp. Begin 2011 the farm was started up.

2010 - Design and construction intensive shrimp farm Italy

2010 - Design and construction intensive shrimp farm Italy

End 2010 we designed an intensive shrimp farm for a greenhouse in Italy, Cultured specie P. vannamei.

2010 - research with P. monodon

In 2010 we imported P. Monodon post larvae for a trial in our own research system. The monodon grew good in our system and had no problem with bio-flocs. 2012 we shall continue our research with monodon.

2009 - Constructing and supply bioreactor KU-Leuven (Belgium)

We constructed and supplied a bioreactor for a research trial with Jade Perch in a closed RAS system, they bioreactor is used for treating the effluent coming from the drumfilter. The performance is good they reduced the amount of water exchange and the nitrate levels stayed at a low level.

2009 - Advice for biofloc system Brazil

2008 - Construction of aero tube shrimp hatchery

In 2008 we installed aero tube in a shrimp hatchery in Malaysia, they reduced the power costs.

2008 - Consulting for biofloc system Malaysia

In 2008 we helped a shrimp farmer in Malaysia with the design of an biofloc system in a raceway, cultured specie: L.Vannamei

2007 - Construction Bioreactor research project Italy

We constructed and delivered a bioreactor for a research project in the south of Italy for the intensive culture of Penaeus Monodon.

2006 - Research Project ILVO Oostende Belgium

End 2006 we constructed a bioreactor for a research project in Cooperation with Crevetec and Ilvo Oostende for intensive trial with L Vannamei in a closed zero exchange system.

In four and a half months, they produced 18 kilos of shrimp from a two-cubic-meter tank, That\'s equivalent of 90.000 kilos per hectare per crop.